Welcome to Wisdom Leaders 

I am glad that your path led you here! Congratulations on seeking Wisdom and choosing it to be the foundation of your journey.

I am excited to know you and I am honoured to support you on taking steps to uncover your leadership potential.

My approach is tailored fitted and practical, it aims to give you clarity, understanding and faith in yourself and your path. 

Let's get started!

What I offer

Wisdom-Based Coaching 

I am here to support you on your journey to discover and develop your leadership potential with clear realistic targets with big impact on your personal and work life. In a world that denies spirituality and faith its place in our lives, most coaching offerings will not consider this aspect of your life as it should and will not include it as part of your personal development. 

Here, your spiritual values and faith will not only be considered during our coaching, rather they will be the catalyst for building your leadership and resilience skills. 


Women Leadership Pack

I offer 1to1 and Group coaching for women wanting to take their career to the next level but are challenged with systemic barriers that have resulted in a loss of self-confidence. I am committed to help you formulate your visions and dreams with a realistic step by step action plan to achieve them. We will together uncover your passions and  make them at the core of your personal journey. 




I offer tailored fitted workshops for your organisation, covering the topics of Women Leadership, Femininity and Leadership, Faith and Leadership and Muslim Leadership. 


Public Speaking


I am available for public speaking events in various capacity including keynote speaker, panellist, moderator, podcast guest. I often share experiences from my own personal journey to make meaningful connections with my audience and cover a wide range of topics relating to Women Leadership, Muslim Life in Europe and Community building. Looking forward to meeting you.

Contact Me 

Contact me for a free first consultation

About Me

Wisdom Leaders  is a place where we create meaningful connections to embark on a journey of self improvement through activating your Leadership potential to drive change and generate sustainable impact on your life.